Crysis Demo To Release On Sept. 25

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our news:
I am personally tired of hearing about Crysis, only because I want it to be here already! We've been anticipating playing this graphical wonder forever it seems, but according to Joystiq, we will be treated to a PC demo in less than a month. As the picture suggests, Turbo mode is recommended for anyone using a 486. Not much is known about the demo yet, but it will likely do a great job of making us want the game even more.

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And depending on how efficient your computer is at mashing pixels, vertices, shaders, polygons and textures into beautiful three-dimensional vistas, "demos" is either short for "demonstrates"... or "demolishes." Either way, you'll find out on September 25th, when EA releases a PC demo of Crytek's first-person stunner, Crysis. Included in the preview will be the shooter's first level and "a huge surprise from Crytek," which we expect will take the form of evil canines leaping through windows at some point.

Source: Joystiq

Would the demo get here already? :-|


The Tech Wizard
Oh Yeah,
I have/Still play Far Cry for the last two years.
I go into battle different ways
I'm an addict for first person shooter like Far Cry and Halflife2 Deathmatch
One reason I built this machine is to try to be ready for Crysis, I would like to see Nvidia get that new GPU on the market, the 8950 series.
I know these cards wont match up to the challengem I just wanted a DX10 card in the meantime.