Crysis Beta


The Tech Wizard
Just got the Beta and it looks great.
Shadows, waterfalls and smoke are all real time.
With the specs that I have ( see below ) I can play perfectly at medium settings.
It is weird to see such detail, I can get over it fast.
Although I did have to dance the network to get the beta.
Due to be out in November the final release.

Old gamer from space invaders and even pong.


The Tech Wizard
I think the medium settings ar due to the 8600 Gt video cards.
Just temporary cards untill the next generation come out and then they go into the other machine.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I might have to give it a try if I can find the time, looks good from what I saw at DigitalLife last week though. I think it's going to be the first PC game in a while that I actually will feel compelled to play, since Bioshock didn't really do anything for me.


*gasp* Not like Bioshock?

Nah, I can understand that. Crysis looks great and my views are skewed due to the fact that I haven't enjoyed a FPS (other than bioshock) since the turn of the millennium.

Then again, I've always been a story-driven rpg-style gamer; the gameplay is there to support the story, just as the words in a novel aren't as thrilling as the work itself. Poor gameplay can damage a story as much as poor word choice, neither of which seemed evident to me in Bioshock.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Hah, I have nothing against BioShock... I just couldn't get myself into it. On one hand, I blame it on the fact that I have a hard time concentrating on gaming lately, on the other I blame it on the fact that the game just doesn't do anything new. Yay, Plasmids... that hasn't been done before.

Great game for benchmarking though ;-)

By the sounds of things though, we can relate quite a bit. The last FPS that really -grabbed- me was Half-Life 2... it's no secret how great that game is though. After that, I had a hard time getting into anything.

I'll give BioShock a go in a few weeks again... too many games are being released this month that will hold me back from that though. Still trying to get into Halo 3, and the new Tony Hawk is out next week... then Need for Speed later this month...