Conroe 2.4GHz Super Pi 1 Mill.. 21s!

Rob Williams

Staff member
Wow. If this is the type of speed Conroes push out, AM2 may get seriously overlooked in the coming year...


Site Developer
No one ever said the war would be easy. Thats how war is, you have your good days and your bad days. Its good times like these that we should be thankful we are winning this war, for who knows what the future may hold. May god have mercy on all of us.


until i see real benchmark with off the sehlf CPU on regular MB it is still hard for me to believe all this talk about Intel killing AMD again

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Granted they were rigs built by Intel but I saw Conroe running with my own two eyes and from what I saw, these are going to be some really impressive chips. Impressive indeed.


Tech Monkey
It sort of sounds like AMD has one heck of a fight in front of it this time around, but time will tell for sure...............;)