Colin Mcrae DiRT... what you think?


hi. i'm big fun of colin mcrae series... just a few days ago installed Dirt...dunno what to say..really don't like that career mode...buggy&trucks. really boring. colin mcrae always was about rally & it must remain like that.
about grafics...looks nice..but that HDR & Blur seems to be really annoing (glad there is option to turn off motion blur). and it eats a huge amount of you CPU/GPU/Memory...
what do you think?

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I am thinking about picking this game up (PC) this weekend if I can get around to it. It looks like a killer game. I will let you know what I think when I actually have it installed.


Tech Monkey
Just got it last night. My system isn't quite strong enough to push the details over medium (my Dell 205WFP is 1680X1050), but even on medium it looks beautiful. I am trying to find out if it supports SLI properly, and if it does, then it's time to sell/trade a kidney for another GTX. Definitely a must get game if you like the driving games.