Well i hope they get nintendo soon myself but i'm not holding my breth to much on that.
did a little history seems this company had a bit of head butting early on with nintendo.
licensing over some game cart. during the early 8bit systems.
i could be rong. compiny names tend to sound alike.
As i'm still singed up with them i can say that they are adding games.
both console and pc.
allthough i am having a problem with one game i wana play

keeps crashing on me. probly somthing i'm running in the backgorund gona try it on my laptop to see if thats my problem.
its not so cutting edge
Good news everybody!
i'm finly gona be able to get back home.
hopefuly around the 21st.
House is a reck (not as bad as most) but were going to have to replace some drywall and carpiting. and since were doing that were just gona go ahead and redo the flore tile in the whole house *needed to be redone*
Were getting a traler from fema hopefuly while all the drywall work is being done.
now for the gametap update
i talked to the staff for a few hours and descused a few things
They are hoping to get some kinda chat comunity going.
wich would be a good thing.
they do have licenses for most of the sierra stuff so kings quest is probly gona show up eventuily.
(i hope they sucure the rites to the revamps of the early ones)
they rely hevily on custimer comment at this point so do use the sugestion box fetue in the game tap interface.
push to get some nes titels (probly gona be a while on that tho) the still have alot of stuff to put up.
mediaplex still isnt what it could be.
as far as actuial game play.
console wise.
without a gamepad most of the games are dificult to play.
and thats being genorus.
but with a decent gamepad.
all the atari and genisus mastersystem gamegear 32x play good.
dreamcast's gamepad response sucks.
once again this could just be my system.
c64. (never realy did many games one one so cant tell ya seems fine tho)
arcade. So far so good. M.A.M.E quality.
intelevision (forget it. without an orginal controler these games just dont work)
PC games.
now this is where some quility controle needs some improvement.
the dos games work fine.
however the windows games alltho 80% seem fine the remaining 20% need some definit patching griandia ii and empiere earth have serious crashing problems. (kinda sad realy gradia had me hooked till i got to the skyway) vox error game crash stuck!

empire earth alltho compleatly playabul crashes at the end of each campain senario when you quit. it's recorded you compleat it but you have to restart the game.
no problems with any fo the splintercell or fps's i've tried.
they all work true to the orginal
My one BIG! complaint
if thers a problem that requiers you to clean the game cache
and there all in some kind of compresed incripted format.
to date i havent figured out how to extract the saves.
Over all i still love the service.
on a scale of 1-10 10=best
i give gametap a
i hope they keep up the good work and improvements.