California Bans Forced Employee RFID Tagging

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our news:
It's not difficult to see that RFID is becoming increasingly popular and more difficult by the day to avoid, but did you know that there have actually been companies that have planted RFID tags into their employees? It's a matter of "get tagged or look elsewhere for a job." Foolish. What's happening with the world when employees are tagged in the same manner that animals are before they are let back into the pastures?

Well I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks it's ridiculous, but you can relax in knowing that the state of California has banned forcible RFID employee tagging. If your employer asks you to get tagged, you don't have to in order to keep your job. Now we just need to sit back and see if the same legislation will be passed for anal probing.

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"RFID is a minor miracle, with all sorts of good uses," Simitian said. "But we shouldn't condone forced 'tagging' of humans. It's the ultimate invasion of privacy." Simitian said he fears that the devices could be compromised by persons with unauthorized scanners, facilitating identity theft and improper tracking and surveillance.

Source: LA Times