Blizzard Awarded $88 Million Win Against WoW Private Server Host

Rob Williams

Staff member
A couple of weeks ago, I linked to an interview with Cory Doctorow, which took a look at gold farming in MMO's from a slightly different perspective. Well, in the "world" of MMO's, gold farming is a major issue that can affect mostly players, and not so much the game developer. But there's another factor that does affect the latter, and in a big way. Private servers.


Read the rest of our post and then discuss it here!


Tech Junkie
i hate Wow! it ruined the Warcraft universe for me!:mad: I so loved the single player game! i miss it!

Thank God for WarHammer 40k though!! :D<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="if(typeof(jsCall)=='function'){jsCall();}else{setTimeout('jsCall()',500);}" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">