Black Ops Players: Yes or No to Rezzurection?


Tech Monkey
I really only like Black Ops for the Zombies mode...and I swore that I wouldn't buy any of the DLC for it. Well, I caved after playing Call of the Dead and Ascension at a friend's house on his 360. I bought the Call of the Dead pack...I didn't buy the Ascension one because in my opinion Ascension sucked. Not sure whether I should buy Shangri-La and Moon (when it's released). Any thoughts? Btw, I just got the easter egg on Call of the Dead last night with 2 other ppl (one to keep George and a crawler busy and one to help me :p) Took me FOREVER lol

Rob Williams

Staff member
I heard about this DLC last night when perusing the Xbox site, but didn't realize it was 100% Zombie mode. I admit I don't have extreme interest in that, nor have ever played the mode before (except for a quick test). This is a weird game for me because while I have all three map packs, no one I know has them. After the First Strike one, few people seemed to want to splurge (and I don't blame them, the DLC is stupid expensive).I have a feeling MW3 will be different. BLOPS didn't seem to strike the right chord with a lot of people for some reason.

I might have to give that mode a go soon. I am surprised it's quite so popular to be honest.


Tech Monkey
Haha to be honest, zombies is what made Treyarch popular with CoD. I have two of the 3 current DLC. I have Annihilation and Escalation. I won't buy First Strike unless I'm hellbent on getting the zombies achievements, because IMO Ascension (zom level in that pack) sucked majorly and I don't play much multi. I'm definitely getting Rezurrection because I really liked the zombie maps for WaW, and it comes with all 4 of them PLUS the new one called Moon. I played Moon at a friend's house on the 360 and it's really fun.