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The guys at Hard|OCP are continuing their DX10 coverage with a fresh look at BioShock. Previously, they've taken a look at Lost Planet only to find that the benefits are non-existent, but luckily, Call of Juarez deemed itself worthy of some DX10 action. So with a major game like BioShock on the table, hopes were high that our DX10 cards would be getting a good workout.
Through their testing, they never found any real difference between GeForce 8-series and Radeon 2-series cards, a great thing if you own either one of the cards already. They include numerous comparison screenshots, including DX9 vs. DX10, and personally, I can't really see that much of a difference at all. Though, the downside is that in DX10 mode, you lose anti-aliasing. Why 2K? Why?
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We believe that BioShock will ultimately be remembered as a great game with a few flaws, just like its predecessors: System Shock 1 and 2. System Shock's initial release was marred by many bugs, and in an age in which people couldn't just pop into FileShack and look for a patch. And yet, it is still remembered as one of the greatest shooters of all time.
Source: Hard|OCP
Through their testing, they never found any real difference between GeForce 8-series and Radeon 2-series cards, a great thing if you own either one of the cards already. They include numerous comparison screenshots, including DX9 vs. DX10, and personally, I can't really see that much of a difference at all. Though, the downside is that in DX10 mode, you lose anti-aliasing. Why 2K? Why?
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We believe that BioShock will ultimately be remembered as a great game with a few flaws, just like its predecessors: System Shock 1 and 2. System Shock's initial release was marred by many bugs, and in an age in which people couldn't just pop into FileShack and look for a patch. And yet, it is still remembered as one of the greatest shooters of all time.
Source: Hard|OCP