works fine for me.
Hi, after having purchased this card myself and having used it for about a month now, I read your review and think you have some good points.
I have only been playing UT3 on it though since I haven't had an opportunity to pick up Crysis yet.
I noticed in your review of UT3 that you disabled the 'physicx' setting, however what I read and found out was that the 9800 has a software/chip (not sure which) that can 'function' as a physicx card, as soon as you've installed the software nvidia so humbly provides... (if you care to search for it 5 minutes that is).
I personally tested my card with UT3 and to me it appeared to run supersmooth.
mind you I play on a 1650x1080 TFT screen (so that means no refreshrate above 60), so I was happy to see UT3 gameplay showing a solid 60fps non-stop dropping down to 59 or 58 from time to time for a second in very stressfull situations. After installing the UT3 'physicx' package, which includes some really nice physicx maps I found out that 'tornado', an UT3 map with an ACTUAL tornado running through the map, destroying everything as it goes and sucking up fired rounds into it in a spiral fashion my FPS just DIED, even with the physicx enabled. note: 'died' is defined by me with my fps going from approx. 50 start of match to 14 halfway through and looking at tornado + firing rounds of flak/pulse/rockets at it.
Regarding the 2 6pin power connectors on the card I personally had no problem with that as my PSU happened to have 2 of those and I do not plan to go SLI any time soon anyway. (that would require me to get a new PSU anyway since its only 650w).
I agree that the card SHOULD outperform the 8800 series cards, so the fact it doesn't is disappointing at the least. I also bought this card over any 8800 card however due to the price.
having a card in your machine that labels 9800GTX for less money than a card that labels 8800GTS despite the 8800 outperforming it a little still also has some value, atleast in my point of view.
I personally upgraded from a 2.4ghz 512mb DDR1 AGP 7600GS to 3.16ghz duo, 4gb DDR3 and this lovely 9800GTX so ofcourse from my history its hard to judge it for its next/current-gen status, since my only experience with computers has been yesterdays-yesterday-gen stuff.
Anyway, I just wanted to say I really enjoyed your review, keep up the good work!