Apple Doesn't Tolerate App Store Cheaters (Here's Proof)

Rob Williams

Staff member
If there's one company that knows how to sell a product, it's Apple. Even if you aren't a fan of the brand, or its products, that simple fact cannot be denied. Take for example, its "App Store". Apple launched this mobile apps service last summer, and in just over a year, it hit a staggering 2 billion total downloads, and not too long after, it reached the milestone of having 100,000 apps listed. I'm not entirely sure of what kind of revenue resulted from these high numbers, but you can be sure they aren't low.


You can read our full news post here.


Partition Master
This is not the first time Apple has pulled a lot of apps from its shelves in one go. Earlier this year, one developer had twice that number, over two thousand apps pulled because of shady manipulation on its part, as you can see in the below link:

A lot of sites are bringing out your point, such as GigaRom , which believes that Google and others may have no choice but to copy Apple's lead in protecting its users from such rift-raft in the same manor, also seen in the link below:

Rob Williams

Staff member
Oh, wow... I had no idea Apple had purged an even greater number of apps in the past. I saw this new story at more than one site, and it led me to believe that this was the highest number to date.

I'm glad for it, though. Consumer first, and if companies are misleading, I'm glad Apple has no problem wiping out potential profits in order to better protect its customers.