Anyone else annoyed at the lack of/poor network play on the Wii?


I was really hoping to be able to have games on the Wii with friends in Texas, DC, all over the I know Nintendo, I knew I wouldn't be able to meet people from strange and exotic places....and blow them up. They're too parental control type.

I'm simply annoyed that they don't seem to be supporting their network play...I wanted to play in tournaments with Tiger Woods Golf....alas the only multiplayer available was "local". They didn't mention that on the box.

Brain Age...that would have been GREAT to be able to play a puzzle game against friends all over...instead their idea of multiplayer is that I can send my scores to other people? Get real!

I've heard from a friend who has been a programmer for a few different companies that make console games that he thinks the reason is that Nintendo makes is far too difficult to program for the Wiimote...and then they top it off by restricting the way the game can inter operate with the net. Admittedly, he's never programmed for the Wii, so I take his opinion with a grain of salt, but he has a better hand on the pulse of the industry then I do.

It just seems to me that they're missing a great market. Sure they're still selling like hotcakes, but don't they think that people would like to have some online options? I'm a freak, I admit this, but I know I would!