Hi Rob, thanks for another great review.
To be honest, i was amazed by OC results, as this little proc is really powerful for that money.
i750 or i7 860/930 are both faster but more than double and almost 3x expensive with better Mobo, which allows you to go over 4.0GHz and I really don't care to pay for those if i can't go beyond that point
To be honest, I expect maybe 4.2 on air with cooler i have (on photo bellow)
Any way, I'm still not sure if Socket 1156 is the right way for me.
I would like to have 3x2GB but X58 MoBo and Proc are expensive right now. And their destiny is very suspicious.
I would love to go for Gulftown but i'm not sure if i'm ready to pay 1000$ for proc, considering that i'm live in eastern Europe.
And, i remember when i bought Athlon 64 3000+ for Socket 754, almost immediately, they release Socket 939 and PCI express, and DDR2, and my PC become old instantly!
So, i decide to wait a little bit more and build my new PC around this little fellow! I succeed in finding CACYC one, so i guess i can unlock L3 cache
Of course, if AMD came out with some 6 core processor for AM3 socket, i will be more that delighted to try one!
So, on a first sight, maybe it's not a best balanced PC, but i decide to wait for a few months and see what's going to happen. Then, this Proc/Mobo/Mem combo going to some of my other PCs and in this PC i will put something like i7 930/X58 or maybe something better! Ati 5870, HAF 922, True + Noctua and Corsair will last forever

or for next few years! Of course, if nVidia came out with something promising, i can always sale my ati
But for now, i will use my good old Mitsubishi monitors, paired with my HP LP2475w with display port and try Flight Simulator X with Eyefinity and 3 displays
I will post my OC result tomorrow, and of course, difference between L3 cache unlocked, if i succeed in unlocking
Wish me luck!