Rory Buszka

Partition Master
Happy new year, all.

Let's hear your plans/resolutions for the new year, along with whatever details you'd like to share.

My resolution is to work to be less awkward in social situations, and to be more of a social initiator, inviting my friends to do stuff instead of waiting to be invited.

Also in January or early February, I plan to finish my new rig build, which I technically began last December. Perhaps I should resolve to be better about finishing what I start.



The One, The Only...
Nice new avi tater...

my resolution is to get more of what I need and less of what i need not. ;-p or something like that. HAPPY NEW YEAR PPL!

Rob Williams

Staff member
Welcome to the new year peeps. Looking back on 2006... it's just mind-boggling. SO much has happened. There were numerous notable deaths, acquisitions, lawsuits...

2007 is going to be an interesting year.


Tech Monkey
(tongue so far in in cheek it hurts...)
You celebrate New Years?

Happy New Year all!!!!

I don't like resolutions.... I just strive to be a better person each day... and if that makes me get in shape.... so be it! ;)

(Nuttin but luv, Rob!)

Rob Williams

Staff member
The only thing I celebrate is the weeks end with a few beers. Heck, sometimes I start that celebration a few days early ;-)