16-Year-Old Defeats $84 Million Australia Porn Filter

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our news:
When will the governments ever learn? Likely, never, but stories like these are great. After Australia launched a new porn filter application, which cost them a cool $84 million, it was defeated within THIRTY MINUTES by a 16-year-old Tom Wood. So AUS updated the filter, and he got through it again. You've got to love the quote from a govn. official: "Unfortunately, no single measure can protect children from online harm...". Well, that about makes up for the wasted $84 million of taxpayers money!

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Senator Coonan, a government official did the best she could to salvage the sorry situation with, "Unfortunately, no single measure can protect children from online harm and ... traditional parenting skills have never been more important." Basically what I interpret that to mean is; "Tom is really getting on our tits; if you don't want your kids looking at porn don't have them in the first place."

Source: Gizmodo
Do any of these old Government meat-heads realize that kids are a LOT smarter than they are when it comes to computers? $84 Million... broke in 30 minutes. That is truly unbelievable, and a great waste of taxpayers money. Of course, it doesn't amount to another Countries $4 billion per day, but still.


The Tech Wizard
Nowadays, it's " Better to ask for forgiveness than for permission " attitude from todays children reflect the government control in THIS country ( USA ).
When I raised my kids, I had the control and they ended up just fine, Where are we going to be when we retire and these same kids are running everything?
If you don't want the kids to see porn, then take away the internet...period.......Damn get control ....People


It's amazing how uptight people are when it comes to sex and nudity. Allot things are 'exciting' because they're taboo. If it wasn't such a big deal, most of it would just be chalked up as being gross.