1.7 Million Dirt 3 Steam Voucher Codes Compromised

Rob Williams

Staff member
If you received a copy of Dirt 3 via the purchase of an AMD graphics card, you may want to pay close attention to this story. It appears that up to 1.7 million Steam voucher codes have been compromised - and not because a 'hacker' broke into a server. Rather, the codes were being stored on a third-party fulfillment agency's website as plain text, with anyone who knew the URL having access to them.


Read through the rest of our post and then discuss it here!


Tech Monkey
The fact they used a plain text file, makes me laugh. It's like the IT manager said "Encryption? WE DON'T NEED NO STINKING ENCRYPTION!"


Tech Monkey
That's if they even have an IT manager ;-)

Oh no I'm sure they have an over paid, self righteous prick there, who thinks they know better then every one below him, tells the corp heads he can do it cheaper faster, all the while fucking over his underlings and will likely say they screwed up because they didn't do what he said when he hasn't done anything intelligent since he learned to wipe his ass.......oh wait sorry had a flash back to when I worked at Golden West....what were we talking about?