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  1. Merlin


    It's been a while, but I see most are astill here. Here's the Question. Motherboard has two LAN ports. I want to use one for wireless printing going through a Cisco wireless router. The other for internet. Do I have to change the IP addresses in one of them in order for it to work?
  2. Merlin

    The Sleeper

    I see everyone has been busy
  3. Merlin

    Thoughts on this HTPC build.

    Looks like you did a lot of research for the pricing. Looks goo I have a Caviar Green and its failing me, and its the main drive, have to replace mine when I change out the MSI mobo Its fun to build, yours looks great, have fun Merlin
  4. Merlin

    Mugshot Page

    June 2010 Live from Florida
  5. Merlin

    ASUS P6X58D Premium

    Just got mine from newegg, to replace my old cheap MSI x58 board, I may upgrade from a i920 to something better also. It's going to be fun redoing the water cooling, it gets a drain and fresh fluid after a year. Merlin
  6. Merlin

    Powerline vs ethernet cable wiring

    I'm getting full bars on all connections at the bluray player. Netflix,Cinemanow, Pandora and they added an MLB channels for live play. Again I used the top plug on wall for both powerline connections, the Router is a linksys N and the speed at the modem is 10 mbps. I'm in Florida now and no...
  7. Merlin

    Powerline vs ethernet cable wiring

    I must say I was sceptical about this at first, but it was a cissco product. I got the Powerline kit and it set up so easy. I tested the speed using the LG blu ray network player connection and I was amazed, it actually works great. The only thing is, you need to go straight to the electrical...
  8. Merlin

    Are Consoles Killing PC Gaming?

    No, love my keyboard and mouse for gaming
  9. Merlin

    The new build ...

    We like Pics
  10. Merlin

    The future....

    The movies are not that far off point, the crystal that you see placed into a reader and then executed just may well be in the near future. Positive and negitive atoms relate to the binary language. So the Crystal ball it'self is a statement close to the future ( Quartz )
  11. Merlin

    Adding FLAC support to MPClassic....

    Tried it..... Messed up my Flash player, so I deleted and now all is fine Won't do that again
  12. Merlin

    31% of Windows 7 Issues Related to Installation?

    No Problems with 2 installs 1.) An install clean to a new drive Win7 Ult 64 bit 2.) Upgrade from Vista Home Premium64 bit to Win7 Ult 64 bit on the notebook It was a free update from Acer Nice and clean install, no problems with install or operating
  13. Merlin

    Dirt 2 Due Out this Week, DirectX 11 Goodies Included

    Downloaded the Dirt2 Demo in 10 minutes ( 1.31 gigs ) I'll put it on the other machine and then check out the DX 11.0
  14. Merlin

    Dirt 2 Due Out this Week, DirectX 11 Goodies Included
  15. Merlin

    What if Coca Cola Cans Lost their Color?

    Coke even has a special patent on the color. I'm a Coke-a-holic anyway so it would not matter what color it was
  16. Merlin

    A quicky survey...

    I'm interested in hearing what people use for audio with their computers... 1) Audigy Z2 sound card ( oldie but still good ) 2) Klips 5.1 surround system ( Also Triton surround headphones ) 3) Window Media Classic ( plays many more formats ) In particular I'm interested in how many...
  17. Merlin

    Thermaltake Soprano DX

    It depends on the motherboard for fan connections, the 4 pin fan connection is for speed control, usually for the CPU fan cooler. Merlin
  18. Merlin

    Are You Upgrading to Windows 7?

    Damn....Finally got it Downloaded the Win7 drivers from Nvidia onto a thumb drive ( Expanded the install ) with other conmputer, went to new install with thumb drive, restarted install to the first screen to load drivers, then went into DOS prompt/ copy to C:\ drive and loaded from C:\ drive...
  19. Merlin

    Are You Upgrading to Windows 7?

    Win7 installation issue with GTX 280 Got my Win7 disk and tried to install I thought I would install onto a new hard drive for a fresh install I loads up fine but the video drivers are not there at the final steps. If I try safe mode I can see where it tries to continue, but warning comes up...
  20. Merlin

    Cheap, but completely compatible system?

    Your Answer here I have a magic information connectiong ( Google )